ZÜM is best known for giving kids their first set of wheels—bikes and ride-on toys, that is. Their balance bikes have no pedals and no training wheels. By using a foot to floor motion for propulsion, these bikes develop coordination and balance and make transitioning to a traditional geared bicycle easy. Ride-on toys come in a variety of adorable bug designs, making exploring fun.
ZÜM Bugz Lady Bug$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM Bugz Bumble Bee$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM Bugz Firefly$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM Bugz Grasshopper$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM SX Metal Balance Bike, Black/Grey$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM SX Metal Balance Bike, White/Red$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM SX Metal Balance Bike, Pink$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM Wooden Trike$110.0$60.0 -
ZÜM Rocking Horse$110.0$65.0 -
ZÜM Ride-On Car$110.0$76.0 -
ZÜM Walker & Activity Cart, Blue/Red$110.0$65.0